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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you guys watch movies or make movies?

The short answer is both. However, it is the film production club so our main focus is making our own films. Along with producing films, we also watch movies every week, either by screening them ourselves or going to the cinema.


What kinds of movies do you make?

All kinds! We are open to all types of films and genres, so it is entirely up to you. In the past we’ve made short films, features, documentaries, and animated films, just to name a few.


How many movies do you make?

Again, this is up to the club members. We want to make as many movies as we can, so it all depends on how many members we have and how much they participate.


I don’t have any film experience. Can I still join the club?

Absolutely. All experience levels are welcome. In fact, most new members have little to no experience making films, so a big part of film club is helping students learn how to make films through hands-on experience.


I am not able to make it to the meetings. Can I still be involved?

Yes! We'd love for everyone to be at the meetings, but if you are unable to attend you can still stay in the loop through our facebook group. Also, most film shoots and screenings take place outside of meeting times so you can still be involved.


Do you have your own equipment?

We have some of our own equipment (including a camera) that is available to film club members. However, it is limited so equipment is reserved for projects being made with/for the club.

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